Effective, practical, and efficient tax preparation.


Michael Murtha has been preparing tax returns for over fifteen years. Building from his experience at Emmerman, Boyle & Associates LLC (formerly Gary Reska Tax) and as an IRS VITA Site Coordinator, he helps individuals, small businesses, fiduciaries, and organizations effectively navigate an increasingly complex tax code. Whether you are employed or self-employed, running your own small business, or simply seeking a tune-up on your current situation, schedule an appointment now to have your questions or concerns attentively addressed.

Tax Return Preparation

W-2/employed, 1099-MISC/self-employed, partners, and experience and insight across all industries and states as well as closely-held corporations, partnerships, and LLCs.

Tax Guidance and Planning

Detection, remedial, and planning strategies to drive your tax liability down to its legal limit.

Audit Representation and Notice Response

Audit representation and notice response services will help mitigate consequences of any discrepancy with IRS or state tax agency reporting.